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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I need $5. Can I count on your support?

Dear Friends,

Cancer sucks and we all know it (whether you have experienced it yourself, have/had a family member or friend experience it or neither of these but you still just know how much it sucks).

As you know I have Breast Cancer and I am sick of Cancer kicking my butt so I am going to kick it's butt back by stomping all over it! Well, walking all over actually. My family and friends and I have joined a "Relay For Life" team and will be walking from 6pm Saturday, June 6th until 6am June 7th to help fight cancer and we need your help! I have pledged to raise $500.00 for the American Cancer Society. You can help by clicking the link to my Relay web site at the bottom of this page and make a donation. It's that easy! ANY dollar amount will help. You can donate any dollar amount between FIVE dollars to a gazillion million trillion dollars and you will be my hero no matter what dollar amount you can contribute!

I keep picturing those commercials where they talk about how the price of one cup of coffee a day can save a child...well that is how I feel about this as well. It may sound goofy but seriously if you think about how much you may spend on Starbucks or McDonalds each day. You can skip one of those for one day and use those five dollars to help me reach my goal. Trust me, I know that might be difficult to give up because I do Starbucks AND McDonalds nearly each day but I would give that up for the rest of my life if I knew I could help one less person have to go through the Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual roller coaster that goes along with having cancer.

Thank you for reading and I thank you for your support!

Lots of love,


Click here to visit my personal page.If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLFY09IL?px=11505086&pg=personal&fr_id=15178&fl=en_US&et=heSBN48l33tz3lIrkI_kbQ..&s_tafId=401667 Click here to view the team page for Christine and Judy's Angels

P.S. Please feel free to forward this message to any others who may want to join the fight!

P.S.S. If you are still reading - this is the info that I deleted from the "form letter" that they want you to send out but felt bad for deleting it because it's good info to know...so I pasted that info below.

The American Cancer Society is well known for its research investments. Virtually every major cancer breakthrough of the last 60 years can be traced to Society funding.

What you may not know is that the American Cancer Society also provides cancer patients and their families access to reliable information and free resources for day-to-day help and emotional support to complement what their doctors and medical facilities provide.

There has been so much progress in cancer prevention, detection and treatment over the years. But fighting cancer still takes a tremendous emotional toll on patients and their families. And the financial stakes are huge, even for those who have insurance.

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