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Saturday, December 27, 2008


I am typing to you with my left hand. I decided to write while I have a little bit of energy.

I came home on Christmas. They tried to send me home on Christmas Eve but I said no way. I was in too much pain. I was still getting Morphine from an IV and pushing the button to get more Morphine almost every ten minutes. I was very glad I stayed one more day.

Nothing has really sunk in yet. People keep telling me how wonderful it is about my lymph nodes and I believe them but like I said, It hasn't sunk in yet. My awake time which is only a few hours a day is focused on not throwing up and getting the pain under control so I haven't been able to process the good news. I figured that it took me over a month to cry in the first place about having cancer that it might take me a while to deal with this. Plus I am so out of it from the Vicodin. We think the nausea is either from the pain and/or the vicodin and having it on an empty stomach. I am eating but not a whole lot yet. When I do eat I crave saltine crackers or chocolate shakes.

I am kind of thankful that I only have a limited view of my reconstructed breast. When I look down I see a lump for a breast which is more than I expected so that pleases me. I can not see my scars when I look down which I am ok with. All the doctors and nurses say that it looks great so I will trust them on that. I am not ready to look at the scar yet.

I am recovering quickly. As of yesterday I have been able to get out of bed by myself. For some reason the pain is more tolerable when I have a pillow under my arm. I still need help with that.

Thanks again for all of your love and support. It has been amazing and so helpful!



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

wear your battle scars with pride... show your daughter what you gave up... so that you could watch her grow up

Erica said...

Judy, you have been in my prayers all week. I am so relieved that all went well and you are home from the hospital. I wish you a speedy recover, and I send you lots of love.

I think it is also appropriate to note that my word verification for this comment is "wings." Lovely. Both in that an angel is watching over you and that once you are back on your feet and this cancer is behind you, you will truly soar.

Much, much love.

Maytag28 said...

So glad it went so well. I remember waiting on the news about the lymph nodes when Rach was in surgery...such a relief!

Judith Grace Fabjance your middle name (well, those around it too) fits you well. Wait, it's been too long...now I'm doubting myself if that's your middle name...



Love Amy Rosen

Peyton's Place said...

Love & all things positive to you Judy. Know that many people care & are here for you. If you need anything, holler.