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Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Remember that part about the initial lymph node pathology being 85% accurate with a 15% chance of it changing on final pathology? Judy got the news yesterday afternoon from her surgeon that there are miniscule cancer cells in the sentinel lymph node. This means that she will have to return to the hospital for surgery to have the rest of the lymph nodes removed. She will also require chemo and possibly radiation. The Surgeon feels that since the number of cancer cells are miniscule, the chances are very good that they have not gone beyond the first lymph node, but they can't take that chance. Judy was hit pretty hard by this latest development, says that she doesn't want to hear that the chances are good because they have been wrong every time so far. She wants to wait for the FINAL pathology this time before getting her hopes up.
Her 2nd surgery will be on Friday January 2nd at 2:00 PM.


wafelenbak said...

I'm so sorry to hear this but will continue sending Judy many, many positive thoughts!

LauraB said...

Judy, I am so sorry to hear about the test results and the cancer in general. I can't imagine what you are going to endure over the next few weeks. I will say you do have many things very powerful to fight back with. You are young and that is something that will aide you in healing. Then there are all of the people who love you, and are thinking positive thoughts, and are praying for you. If you need anything at all please let me know. Love Laura Bouris

Shannon said...

You are strong and will fight it, and kick it's ass! With all of us sending positive vibes and wishing you the best, just know we all love you and are here for you. You have been so strong all this time, and I know you will continue to be. Matt and I are thinking of you and your family. We love you Judy. Stay positive.

Shannon and Matt