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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ugh! Made it through my first cycle of Chemo.

I wrote some of this on Friday and Saturday....

So...on Thursday I was imagining that I was having Chemo side effects but as of Friday afternoon I think I know what they are now. They are actually not that bad. The most annoying is the nausea. It's hard to get a handle on so far. When I am hungry I am nauseous. If I eat too quickly I am nauseous. If I wait too long to take my anti nausea pill I am nauseous. If I try to watch TV or talk to people when I am nauseous I get more nauseous. You get the idea.

I have a better handle on it today though. Not eating as fast. Taking little bites often throughout the day. Sitting up for a while after eating. Although I am getting the hang of it I feel like there is not much "feeling good" time. I am either eating to not feel nauseous or resting to not feel nauseous.

Now it is Thursday and I am pretty much back to myself. Saturday ended up being a really hard day. I did not have a good handle on the nausea. I ended up paging the doctor on Saturday night for help and he told me to take another pill. I was instructed to only take two per day but the doctor said that on my bad days that I could take up to four. I think that will help next time.

So, my week looked like this:
Wednesday - Chemo. Felt fine.
Thursday - felt fine.
Friday afternoon I started feeling nauseous.
Saturday - felt awful. I would like to forget about Saturday.
Sunday - felt like Friday which was way better than Saturday.
Monday - felt even better. Food still didn't settle well but was able to work my way up to noodles instead of crackers. Any other foods upset my stomach. I was tired and weak.
Tuesday - was the same way.
Wednesday - I was exhausted but I could finally eat whatever I wanted without upsetting my stomach. The problem was that nothing sounded good. The chemo has left a metallic taste in my mouth making everything taste off and bland.

Today is the same way. I get hungry but I don't feel like eating because so far nothing tastes good. Actually, what tastes good are either really salty or really sweet foods. I make myself eat even though I don't want to and I try to make myself eat something healthy to make up for the chemo days.

So, far my side effects have been: loss of appetite, bloody nose, night sweats and as of today hot flashes. That freaked me out. My face was bright red and I felt like it was on fire. My students kept asking me why my face was so red.

My next cycle will be on Wednesday, Feb. 18th. They say I will start loosing my hair a few days before then. I will be shaving my head in one week so that the hair loss will not be too drastic.

Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

Katie said...


My dad is currently undergoing chemo and has had the same "metallic taste" that you are talking about. One thing that really helped him was to eat with plastic utensils rather than metal. Although the taste never totally went away, that made it much more bearable.

Sending good thoughts your way!

Katie Stuckemeyer