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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bye bye hair!

While I was in the hospital my hair started falling out! That really freaked me out. I noticed it in the shower and was whining and saying,, "No!" and "Oh my god!" and things like that. I thought I was prepared for my hair to fall out but I didn't think it was gonna be so soon and it's just strange to see little clumps of hair falling out. Even when expecting it. I found that I was obsessively pulling on my hair to see if it was really happening and then freaking out when it happened.

So, this afternoon I shaved my head. I wanted to be in control of my hair or at least feel like I am. I have a buzz cut now. Daphne likes to feel it. She tells me that my head is fuzzy.

I ordered some hats and scarves from a cancer site and they came today. Perfect timing!

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