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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Daphne is so sweet

So, Friday night while I was trying to get Daphne to bed for 45 minutes she was in and out of bed every few minutes. I was sleepy and ready for bed myself. She couldn't relax. Even when she was laying down she was squirming. While laying down she ended up bumping her head lightly (but since she has had a cold all week this was very sad to her and she cried about it). She said, "Daphne hurt (gesturing to her head). Mommy kiss it." So I gave her lots of kisses on her head then she pushed me away a little bit and said, "Mommy hurt (gesturing to my surgical breast). Daphne kiss it." Then she leaned over and kissed it. It was very sweet. She had such a proud look on her face. I thanked her and told her that she was helping to make it all better and she was smiling so big. She said, "Daphne helps Mommy." and I told her that she was very sweet and that she helps Mommy a lot. Then she went on to name everyone who helps Mommy.

Heather and I were both in the bathroom during Daphne's bath on Saturday and when I was telling Heather this story Daphne was just beaming listening to it.


anonymom said...

That's a beautiful story. Daphne is amazing!

Erica said...

I am all teary.