Leave a message for Judy on her guestbook

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Final pathology report today shows no cancer cells in any of the additional 16 lymph nodes removed! So those cancer cells went no further than a microscopic invasion into that first lymph node (and that node no longer exists). Judy saw her surgeon today & he said that as far as an indicator of prognosis goes, this is the same as if there was no lymph node involvement at all (and that is VERY GOOD!) She had her drain removed. She will get to start exercising and moving her arm on Monday 1/12th. She has a follow up appointment with the surgeon on the 12th and an appointment with the plastic surgeon to have her first expansion of her tissue expander with 30-60cc saline (depending on what she is able to tolerate). Her next step will be to call the Oncologist to make an appointment to see him to talk about the plan for chemo. It is SO good to be able to share some good news!

1 comment:

Homer Marrs said...

