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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chemo round # 3!

I am just about to finish up my third round of Chemo! Yay!

I have started my list of cancer perks. Here it is:

1. Getting free massages from wellness centers and Thousand Waves spa! Haven't used them yet but will!

2. Free therapy. Who doesn't need that?

3. When I was admitted to the hospital I was in an isolation room so I had my own room. Nice.

4. Free parking (when I was admitted to the hospital. I parked overnight for free)!

5. Complimentary new bra. Bras are so uncomfortable now with my breast still being sore and my arm is still sore from the surgery. So, once I have my new breast complete I will get fit for a new bra.

6. Make up. A few weeks ago I went to a make up seminar through Gilda's Club. I was the lesbian who wouldn't put on the make up because "people would see me" when I left. It was cute though. I wish I could have filmed it. I hate to say it but it is a sketch waiting to happen. I now have a new bag of free make up!

7. Wig. I went to the American Cancer Society in Evanston last week and got a free wig. It was fun.

8. No shaving! This one might need to be moved up to one of the top ones! Shaved legs a month ago and have just a little bit of stubble. Yippie for me and summer time!

9. No periods. Well, right now my ovaries don't know what is going on yet but my doc says that my period will stop for a while. If you know me - you know I hate periods and shaving so fluke? Yes or no. You tell me.

10. Which should probably be my number one but I am not there yet...I have realized that our bodies are pretty f-ing amazing! Arm heals. Breast skin expands. Body rejuvenates. In December I couldn't get up out of bed by myself for a week. I couldn't take off or put on my shirt or tie my shoes. I couldn't hold my daughter! I am not where I want to be yet but am keepin' the faith that I will be playing softball in a month.

I started a new term at Second City this past Monday and I could play Kitty wants a corner! Eight weeks ago I could not. It was that game this past Monday that made me smile and tear up. I have been wanting to feel normal for so long.

It was then that I also realized that I don't need that to feel normal. Monday night was also when I got sick of being afraid to be in public without a hat or a scarf. I was always ducking out to the bathroom to change from my winter cap to a scarf or just letting me head freeze in a scarf from the car to where ever I was going. I like the scarves and hats but I was tired of hiding behind them. I want to wear them because I WANT to not because I don't want anyone to know I have cancer.

I didn't get an allergic reaction this time to the chemo!

Talk soon.



Erica said...

Hooray for progress! You are amazing and an inspiration.

Love you!

Unknown said...

Judy, you are such an ultra rockstar. I am glad to hear of these improvements and hope to see you soon.

Much love to you!!
