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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My wonderful Second City Family

For those of you who don't know, I've been working at Second City since I was 16 (which happens to be more than half my life). From the classes to the teachers to the employees to the actors I owe a lot of who I am to this wonderful group of people, my second family. Knowing my financial situation, Kelly Leonard, Vice President Second City, President Second City Theatricals and Andrew Alexander, Proprietor, Executive Producer informed me of the Second City Alumni Fund and suggested I apply to be a recipient of assistance from this fund. I applied in the form of a letter letting them know the estimate of my out of pocket (non-reimbursed by insurance) medical costs for 2008-2009.

The Alumni Fund sprang into existence last year when a crew member of SCTV was diagnosed with Cancer and was unable to work. Eugene Levy and Martin Short wanted to help out and contacted Andrew to see what Second City could do in terms of a live benefit. On May 7th of last year Second City held a 2 night benefit in Toronto where Second City alumnus Eugene Levy, Martin Short, Catherine O'Hara, Andrea Martin, Colin Mochrie, Deb McGrath, Robin Duke, Jayne Eastwood, and Teresa Pavlineck performed and raised a lot of money. The Second City Alumni Fund was born.

A few days before my first surgery, I received a phone call from Andrew telling me that I was to be a recipient of the Alumni Fund. As a recipient, I have received a most generous gift which will cover most of my out of pocket medical costs. I was overwhelmed by their generosity. My end of the phone conversation consisted of "Wow!" "Really?" and "Oh my gosh!" repeatedly and repeatedly. This phone call came in the midst of my being upset from having had to cancel the genetic testing due to lack of the $1600 advance payment required (I am now rescheduling it).

I just wanted to share this wonderful news and the generous spirit of Second City. Now, go spend your money at Second City (They didn't tell me to say that)!

Happy New Year!


Erica said...

What a blessing! Just proof that God provides.

You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Love you!

Maytag28 said...

I simply must start reading this daily...it's too hard to go up and down like that all in 5 minutes....at least since I don't have to and can just come read daily. Anyway, I'm sorry your first node news turned out to be wrong...I'm glad it's as good as it can get..with node involvement...I'm happy about the socks, and I'm happy about the fund! LOL.

Amy Rosen

anonymom said...

Wow, that's incredibly heart warming. And awesome. Go Second City!

And having had a long-time crush on Eugene Levy I'm a little jealous that he touched your breast in a round-about way. Wrong, wrong, wrong on so many levels...

Unknown said...

Rock on Judy.

Glad to see things are headed
in a positive direction.