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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chemo Chemo!

Ah. Almost done with round number two! This time around I had an allergic reaction and some other side effects from the chemo. My doctor said it was the Taxotere and possibly the steroids.

I woke up at 4:30am on Friday with my eyes swollen shut. I could not open them. So, I had to rinse my eyes with warm water to get get them to open. My eye lids were puffy and swollen. The whites of my eyes were completely red. My eyes were super watery and I had gunk in them constantly. I had a lot of pressure behind my eyes. My cheeks were bright red and felt like they were on fire (my doctor said that was from the Steroids).

They are still this way today. My doctor said to just monitor the symptoms and to let them know if I get a temperature or have shortness of breath. I don't know how long I will be like this or if it will get worse each chemo round or if this means that they will have to modify what they give me next time. I have no idea. I am going to call in tomorrow to see if there is anything I can do about my eyes. Ah! The fun never ends.


1 comment:

anonymom said...

Argh! That just sounds terrible. I remember getting pink eye as a kid and not being able to sleep, going outside at dawn and laying my cheek on the cool patio concrete for relief (very sanitary...there's a good reason I had pink eye in the first place).

Anyway, it sucked! Hope they can tweak something so you don't have to go through that again. And even if you do..."just" two more times. You're practially done!